[ My train is in the background. ]
On my previous stop here, I was questioned by a U.S. Border Patrol agent about what I was doing. He told me that pot smokers were commonly found around here. The park, itself, has a monument to the cooperation between the U.S. and Canadian Border Patrols (Havre is less than 50 miles south of the Canadian border).
[ Picture taken during a January trip in 2009 ]
For this trip, I located the coords on a satellite image before leaving Memphis, and when I got here, I just walked up and found the cache. I got lucky in that the people hanging around disappeared during the time I had the cache in hand.
I spotted two other cache spots on this trip - one in Minot, ND, and the other in Spokane, WA. Both, however, were right across the tracks and we were told by Amtrak employees not to cross the tracks.