Sunday, March 30, 2014

Geocaching Maker Madness Event - 3/30/2014

I decided to take some time off from doing nothing to attend an event in Germantown, TN's Cameron Brown Park.  This event, which awarded a souvenir, was designed to honor the people who take the time and effort to place great geocaches.  The host was wrath557 and the guest speakers were magicrock and abiectio.  We learned about camo caches and puzzle caches.  A good time was had by all.

Afterwards, I teamed up with Ham-R-Hed, bitbrain, and bevofan to tackle At The End Of My Rope by tinksdad01 | GC4QA8T.  I almost found the cache by myself, but ended up missing the mark.  This cache earned one of my "coveted" favorite points amd I wish I could describe the experience without spoiling it for others who haven't found it.  As we were about to leave the cache site, another cacher came along so we entertained ourselves by watching here struggle to find it.

On the way out of the park, I got one more find - Where Young Folks Play by ProntoPup | GC4VVQY to end my day.  There was another event nearby, but I'd had enough fun for one day.