Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Holiday Bash 2008

Holiday Bash 2008 by Team Sprout (GC17KR9)

My friend Sprout of Team Sprout is opening up his spacious home for a Christmas get together. Surprisingly, or perhaps not, this geocaching event is not listed as being a GOWT or a DeltaGeo event. I have signed up to attend and look forward to visiting friends I don't see often including Team Spencersb who will be coming to Memphis for a visit that weekend. I confess I'm not really interested in the "Yankee Swap" tradition, but I'm not really into games.

On a separate note, I saw this new disclaimer at the bottom of the GOWT forum pages today: "GOWT is not responsible for questionable or controversial content found through links external to this site. " That is a politically correct way of saying that GOWT is not responsible for any opinions I might express on this blog. Kind of ironic since GOWT itself is the source of some of my more "controversial" opinions. A more appropriate disclaimer might be: "This product may contain nuts."

Monday, November 26, 2007

Word of the Day

flash point
1. the lowest temperature at which a liquid in a specified apparatus will give off sufficient vapor to ignite momentarily on application of a flame.
2. a critical point or stage at which something or someone suddenly causes or creates some significant action: A 10 percent drop in mortgage rates will produce a flash point in the housing market.

I have decided to disassociate myself from the Delta Area Geocachers. My flash point was reached courtesy of the three individuals who run that site. I have indeed learned something about people who fail to learn from history.

Update: 12/2/2007: Delta Area Geocachers not only deleted my membership (which I expected), but are requiring members to log on before viewing the vast majority of their site. Failure to learn from history.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Caching on Thanksgiving - November 2007

I don't set aside one day of the year to reflect on what I am thankful for. I think about the things I am thankful about all year long.

My only set plans for this day were to be at my brother's house in Atoka, TN at precisely 1:30pm for Thanksgiving dinner. I had rough plans to do a little caching in Millington and Covington if I had enough time. My dad called me as I was about to leave the house so we talked for a while. Once on the road, I headed for Millington. Since I was short on time, I only went after park and grabs. I also forgot my camera so I have no pictures from this short trip.

The Composer Series - Antonin Dvorak by cgeek (GCVV8G) was a fun puzzle cache. I had solved the puzzle a long time ago and had made two trips to the spot before. This time I got lucky and walked straight to the hide. I was glad since I was short on time. I picked up a total of four caches in Millington before heading north to Covington.

After picking up three more caches just south of Covington, I arrived at my final cache for the afternoon - He Was A Patriot by cgeek (GCZ0G8). It was a little cool for walking around, but I walked to the first stage and got the necessary information. I passed through an area on the way to the final stage that I thought the cache might be in and for a moment thought I had done the math incorrectly. Following the coords paid off though. After signing the log, I headed south to enjoy the rest of the day with my family.

I had intended on picking up a few caches on my way home but had forgotten my flashlight. No big deal, though, as I will be back this way in about 3 weeks. I was able to grab YAGM - Peppermint Patty by cgeek (GC13QNT) though. It was kinda creepy since the business was closed, there weren't many lights in the area. Plenty of cars passed by - no telling if anyone noticed me lurking around an empty parking lot.

I have three more days off from work, but don't have any more geocaching plans. Next Monday is the third year anniversary of the day my friend jbgreer introduced me to geocaching.

Update: 11/12/2007 : My friend TF notified me that I forgot to log the GOWT Founder's Meeting as attended (I placed a note instead). What a newbie mistake.

Thursday, November 15, 2007


One of the major points of contention within GOWT over the past year (and probably longer) is how the Executive Committee can adequately represent all areas of GOWT when the majority of the leadership is from one area. How can a person from Memphis "represent" the geocaching interests of a member who lives in Dyersburg or Jackson?

Do any of the people who ask that question also ask how reviewers from Nashville can represent the entire state of Tennessee much less the states that they serve as backup reviewers for?

The answer is: No. Most people assume that the reviewers serve the entire territory they were chosen to serve with no particular bias towards any one area. Most paying members of Groundspeak have absolutely no say in the choice of people who serve as volunteer reviewers for their area. They do have a means of complaining if they feel a reviewer isn't doing their job properly, but they are not consulted in the choice of who is picked to be a volunteer reviewer.

Voting for representatives in this area has proven to be problematic. Since the membership of GOWT is not evenly distributed across GOWT territory, most of our representation would either come from Memphis or Jackson. In the past, there has been no really helpful way to determine from potential candidates who would actually be a good leader. It is also a problem that many people who would make good leaders do not wish to run. Many of the candidates who won election to the Executive Committee this past year won based on popularity. Popularity is not a reliable indicator of leadership ability. In the case of GOWT, leadership is not so much about making decisions that affect geocaching policy in West Tennessee as it is about responsible people performing the day-to-day tasks that keep an organization running smoothly. There are some important decisions to be made and most of those require input or feedback from the membership. Examples of these kinds of decisions are: the design of a club geocoin or where we might hold the annual GOWT CITO event.

The mission of GOWT is not driven by the individual caching philosophies of those selected to lead. GOWT's mission is to embrace geocaching in all of its forms while encouraging its members to geocache responsibly. GOWT has always sought to provide its members with information about geocaching in all areas of West Tennessee and will hopefully continue to do so. GOWT has always welcomed input from all of its members.

It should not be an issue where the leadership is from as much as does the leadership have the ability to fulfill GOWT's mission. True representation comes when all members are able to provide constructive input to the leadership regarding GOWT and its mission.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Curious Cache of the Day

One of the myriad of ways I kill time is looking at recently published caches to see if a cache stands out that might entice me to make a road trip to do some caching. This curious cache is located in Martin, TN and is on the campus of UT Martin.

You Play Your Way, I'll Play Mine - Dare Ya #1 by Lil Lucky Clover (GC1777Q)

This cache is rated a 5/5 and I pored over the description looking to see what on earth possessed the owner to rate this "mystery" cache so highly. It has "special logging requirements" which appear to be submitting a picture of yourself standing on your head at the cache site. Does a camera qualify as "special equipment" or is it perhaps the assistance of a friend (or two) helping you stand on your head?

I'm not whining about the cache, mind you. I'm just trying to figure out how a solitary cacher like myself might take a picture of myself upside-down outside of a university campus women's dormitory without getting arrested by campus security!

Update: 11/14: I was informed today that the location is a former women's dorm now used as offices.

Update: 11/19: This cache had been archived and now removed from the geocaching site.
Before it was removed and after it was archived, it was logged by yogi and dolphin. It even had the picture of dolphin standing on her head, although it was not clear if the photo was taken at the cache location. I was able to save the picture.
I am curious to know why the listing (approved by Max Cacher) was removed from the site as opposed to being permanently archived.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Flash Mob Fun!

WWFM - Disorganized Flash: Collierville, TN by The Disorganization of MidSouth Geocachers (GC16WDF)

This event was hosted by bitbrain and was one of 83 flash mob events held across the world on this day.

Although this event was hosted by "The Disorganization of MidSouth Geocachers", a small group that predates GOWT in west Tennessee, Hoot Owl brought along the GOWT banner and everyone posed for a group picture with it. It looks like a number of folks whom I haven't seen in a while made it there. I didn't make it to this event, but from the logs it appears that everyone had a great time. Hopefully I can make it to the next "Hotwing Hangover" event hosted by this group!

There's a change a coming

The above title is from the "signature" of a disgruntled GOWT member from the Jackson area that he added just before the formation of JAG was announced. Change is inevitable. Sometimes its done on a whim, sometimes out of extreme necessity.

In the early morning hours of November 10, GOWT shut down for reorganization. This process can be expected to take a while as the reorganization committee which is composed of members from across the region that GOWT serves seeks out additional information from the membership about what they want.

One thing that the majority of the members of GOWT have made clear is that they are sick of the infighting that has taken place over the last year. GOWT is intended to be a geocaching resource that provides geocachers from all over the world information about geocaching within the region that GOWT represents. While it is reasonable to expect "philosophical differences" between members, it is not reasonable to fight like children on public discussion forums. It definitely does not show our best side to others interested in geocaching or those who might be interested. Hopefully we as an organization can find a way to get back to what GOWT is supposed to be about: geocaching.

The first change that is apparent can be seen in the lower right corner of the GOWT logo above. GOWT is now a registered trademark.

This is representative of a second change that I would like to see and one that is sorely needed. If our discussion forums continue to be more conversational than informational, the moderators need to show little mercy on members who violate posting policies.

We spared the rod for a long time and ended up with spoiled children on our forums.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Stubby dons the war paint

Here is a recent post by the Bluff Boys of JAG on their comedy blog with a little commentary from me:

Posted: October 25
Always turning things around

Just an update: After we wrote the last blog, our friends tried to turn it around again. They started posting junk like they always do, the way they see it. They are never wrong.

Of course we post things the way we see them. To do otherwise would be lying. Anyone who has a different viewpoint is free to express it.

So lets help them to see where they are wrong. We haven't posted on their forums, we haven't been to any of their events, we haven't found any of their caches, and we haven't been to Memphis. I will give them credit I have browsed their forums and I have sent a pm to one of their (power trip) EC members asking why hasn't anything been done to one of their great members when he attacks a reviewer. Which i knew she would put the blinders on again.

That very weekend their "guardian of the donuts" came to Memphis and found 28 caches.

We have kept our distance from them because we know what kind of people they are. This is our first blog about them after they have wrote many about us. Why would they keep bashing people when we haven't had anything to do with them but browse their forums. Does this make sense? Now go read their blogs and see for yourself who can't let go..... We have kept quite long enough, no more, if this what they want lets get it on.

Whoa there little Braveheart! Remember: Puff, puff, pass. Thanks for the comedy, it never fails to put a smile on my face!

In the spirit of friendship, I dedicate this haiku to Stubby:

Logging in and out
GOWT is failing without me
Must not make a post

Update: 11/10: Stubby has deleted the above post from his blog along with another one where he warns new geocachers about the "West Tennessee group". Comedy's loss.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Old Liberty Hill Haunted Adventure, Part III

[Note: In the time since the event took place (nearly two weeks), my memories have gotten fainter. I hope I get most of the details right.]

After leaving our last attempted find, we had 10 or 15 minutes to get to the event. Our Garmins told us we weren't that far away and gave us clear, consise directions. Since we were approaching from the wrong direction, we were off of the main roads and it was impossible to tell where we were (since I never bothered to zoom out on the map). At some point, our Garmins both lit up and displayed road information. We didn't interpret it correctly and ended up missing a turn. There was a little bit of fog out - spooky - and it was dark, but we finally found the paved road we were supposed to be on from the start, and only a short distance from our destination.

Finally we arrived at the event - Old Liberty Hill Haunted Adventure by lacey38655 & sniperchicken (GC15HEC). We were probably twenty minutes late, but still managed to beat the rest of the Memphis crowd! All of the yards were heavily decorated so we weren't sure where to go. We saw a bonfire and headed for it. We met Lacey38655 and she led us to the party.

There were a few guests there and others like chibongo and cgeek showed up a little later. The fire was great since it was cooling off a bit. People sat around and talked for a while, and as usual, I sat quietly and took it all in. Lacey38655 led two groups through an elaborate "haunted" maze that was spread out across three yards! It was very well done and at several points costumed characters jumped out to scare us. I was lucky to be in front - the "monsters" usually popped out behind me catching gonafindit and giving him a good scare!

After everyone had a chance to experience the haunted maze, we all headed out to do some night caching - in cemeteries!

The first two caches we hunted were fairly close together. Since we had a good-sized crowd come out for the hunt, we split into two groups. The group I was in walked down the road to Old Liberty Hill Cemetery by lacey38655 (GCVR40). Lacey38655 led our little group and told us about the local legends about the cemetary. It was an interesting tour with some of the graves literally being alongside the road.

We got back to our starting point just as the other group led by SniperChicken was coming out of the woods. Old Liberty Hill Night Cache by lacey38655 (GC16GPZ). The course itself wasn't too long, but the terrain was tough! It would be interesting to see that area during the daytime.

The final cache of the evening was Road to Nowhere by T&R (GC519B). We were a smaller group by the time we did this one. I think some of our group had done it before so they passed on it. This was another really old and small cemetary behind a church. It was a short walk from where we parked to where a cache itself was. I was so busy listening to the conversations of the group that I walked right past the cache. Someone else spotted it before I realized what I had done. Just as well, though. I was getting tired from the long, fun day.

We drove back to the event where we had one more surprise waiting. Lacey38655 and SniperChicken had goodie bags for each of us! The bags had candy in them and I think one or two had a SniperChicken geocoin in them. Since I wasn't lucky enough to find one in my bag, I (along with a few others) bought one from SniperChicken. We all then went outside for a group photo and parted ways. Abiectio and I drove to Oxford for some gas and caffeine and made the long drive back to Memphis. Abiectio dropped me off at my apartment around midnight (I think).

I managed to get almost four hours of sleep before having to get up and ready for a ten-mile road race through Shelby Forest.