Friday, November 23, 2007

Caching on Thanksgiving - November 2007

I don't set aside one day of the year to reflect on what I am thankful for. I think about the things I am thankful about all year long.

My only set plans for this day were to be at my brother's house in Atoka, TN at precisely 1:30pm for Thanksgiving dinner. I had rough plans to do a little caching in Millington and Covington if I had enough time. My dad called me as I was about to leave the house so we talked for a while. Once on the road, I headed for Millington. Since I was short on time, I only went after park and grabs. I also forgot my camera so I have no pictures from this short trip.

The Composer Series - Antonin Dvorak by cgeek (GCVV8G) was a fun puzzle cache. I had solved the puzzle a long time ago and had made two trips to the spot before. This time I got lucky and walked straight to the hide. I was glad since I was short on time. I picked up a total of four caches in Millington before heading north to Covington.

After picking up three more caches just south of Covington, I arrived at my final cache for the afternoon - He Was A Patriot by cgeek (GCZ0G8). It was a little cool for walking around, but I walked to the first stage and got the necessary information. I passed through an area on the way to the final stage that I thought the cache might be in and for a moment thought I had done the math incorrectly. Following the coords paid off though. After signing the log, I headed south to enjoy the rest of the day with my family.

I had intended on picking up a few caches on my way home but had forgotten my flashlight. No big deal, though, as I will be back this way in about 3 weeks. I was able to grab YAGM - Peppermint Patty by cgeek (GC13QNT) though. It was kinda creepy since the business was closed, there weren't many lights in the area. Plenty of cars passed by - no telling if anyone noticed me lurking around an empty parking lot.

I have three more days off from work, but don't have any more geocaching plans. Next Monday is the third year anniversary of the day my friend jbgreer introduced me to geocaching.

Update: 11/12/2007 : My friend TF notified me that I forgot to log the GOWT Founder's Meeting as attended (I placed a note instead). What a newbie mistake.

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