Ice Cream Social by jimmylogan & B@shful (GC12CPM)
I didn't want to go. For many reasons. First, when the event was announced several months ago, I flat out stated that I would not be attending any JAG-sponsored events. I was quite serious at the time, but as time passed I realized I didn't want to miss hanging out with cool people just because of something that to me personally wasn't really that big of a deal. I realize that others feel differently. Second, I really don't get enthusiastic about events - I'm not really a very sociable person, although I have been trying.
The week before this event, Prontopup hosted a 1k event in Dyersburg for pcsenn. I had read on the JAG forums about the apprehension many JAG members had about attending that event. Some of the apprehension I understood, some I just laughed at. In fact, when I read Dolphin's accounting of Titansfan's 1K event earlier in the year I laughed so hard I almost wet my pants! Anyways, B@shful and Jimmylogan showed up and I was glad to finally meet them. They were kind enough to lead us over to
Cache Raider by Canoe Guy (GC13MFQ) after the event and those of us who hunted it had a great time. After meeting them, I started to give some thought to attending the Ice Cream Social.
Normally when I travel a good distance to an event I hit the road early to hit as many caches as I can. This day - I left late. I had tried unsuccessfully to carpool with some Memphis folks that I had thought were going to the event.
It was a beautiful day for an outdoor event. The drive was great and I had no problems meandering my way to Dyersburg. I arrived at the event location around 1:15pm, not too late. As I looked over to the pavillion, I saw a good-sized crowd of folks - lots of kids, too. I paused only briefly before walking over.
I did what a lot of people do when they get to an event, I looked around for people I knew and felt comfortable talking with. I saw 76Stinger sitting at a table with tiger130, leigh421 and Abiectio so I went over to say hi and talk for a bit. Then I located the nametag table and talked to B@shful for a bit while signing the log and putting on my nametag. I looked over at the table with the door prizes - quite impressive.
My friend tnicemgr (now The Shadow) came over to where I was standing and we talked for a while. I hadn't seen him for a long time and was glad I got to see and talk with him. I enjoyed meeting Salamander60 and talking with him for a bit. I also ran into Canoe Guy whom I always enjoy talking with. He is a cool guy and his caches are some of the best in the Jackson-area.
I was glad to see the Bluff Boys (dalls and TurndAround) show up because they always make an event more interesting. I went over and talked to dalls a bit before Jimmylogan introduced a special guest.
The special guest was a sword-swallower who goes by the name Cap'n Cutless. He is also a geocacher (halfdan). I admit I was a bit creeped out by his description of what happens when he sticks the sword down his throat. But I watched, glad I wasn't the poor guy he talked into pulling the last sword out at the end of his demonstration.
After the show, it was time for door prizes. Jimmylogan and B@shful received many high-quality door prizes from a number of sources. They also had a grand prize - a Magellan GPSr! Everyone won something that day - which was nice - and of course someone other than me won the GPSr. Oh well, at least I didn't win the JAG bumper sticker! Just kidding - it was a cool bumper sticker - I just didn't want it. When my name was called, it seemed to get very quiet. Maybe it was my imagination. I just smiled and walked over to pick up my prize.
After the door prizes were distributed, Jimmylogan announced the formal part of the event was over, and people starting milling about. Abiectio invited me to go hunt a new, unfound cache called Ishteiodo and several of us left the event at that point to go after it. I had actually wanted to stay a little longer and talk with other folks, but I seem to always leave when someone mentions hunting a cache(s).
I'm not sure how long I was at the event - I know it was longer than an hour. I'm sure I left some stuff out in my recollection of the afternoon - I know at some point they handed out some JAG awards for various things. Congrats to dalls on winning Best Video.
Ishteiodo (ish-tee-oh-doe) by B@shful & JimmyLogan (GC1474F)
We had a caravan of folks going to hunt this cache and even though some of us ended up taking a different path we all ended up there at the same time.
The area around the cache site appeared to have already been searched, but we gave it a good try. Several groups of cachers came and went while we were there. Bevofan came and left when we did, Dalls and TurndAround came and couldn't stay long but they gave it a shot, and finally Nascarjunk, his daughter, and Green Head Hunter came and searched awhile before leaving. [Later on my way out of town, I passed by the area and saw Team BDD and many others searching the area. I knew with BDD there the cache would be found.]
Krispy Kreme Micro by jimmylogan & B@shful (GC12CPX)
I had some time to kill before heading off to the next event (Krispy Kreme Micro) but I didn't want to be late! This event was Tennessee's first approved "microevent" and my understanding was if you were late you missed out. I showed up at the coords at around 4:30pm and was confused. There was no Krispy Kreme store, just an Exxon station and a bank. I knew Exxon sold Krispy Kreme donuts, but I called Jimmylogan and confirmed the location. I waited outside for a bit but was thirsty so I went in the Exxon to buy a drink. 76Stinger was in there already so I bought a couple of donuts and a Diet Coke and sat down and talked some more with him. There weren't many donuts in the case so I was glad to get one before the "guardians of the donuts" showed up. 5pm came and I think we were the only ones there on time (maybe not), most everyone else including the hosts were a little late. We all signed the log, enjoyed a little more conversation (I finally met Shawn of minismiths) and then we all left. Bevofan and I headed out to meet up with Abiectio for some more caching and some dinner.
All in all, I had a great day! I enjoyed both events and I enjoyed caching afterwards (even the DNF at Ishteiodo ).