Friday, July 20, 2007

Word of the day and the GOWT banner

hon·or·a·ble [on-er-uh-buhl]
1. in accordance with or characterized by principles of honor; upright: They were all honorable men.
2. of high rank, dignity, or distinction; noble, illustrious, or distinguished.
3. worthy of honor and high respect; estimable; creditable.
4. bringing honor or credit; consistent with honor.

At the beginning of the year (2007), when GOWT, our geocaching club, basically split into two groups, property that belongs to GOWT remained in the hands of former GOWT officers that now are firmly commited to JAG.

There have been numerous attempts over the past five months to recover the original GOWT banner from the person who is essentially holding it hostage. People have offered to meet the person anytime, anywhere to pick it up. People have offered to drive by the holder's house and pick it up (just leave it outside).

JAG is full of apologists for this individual.

One question that was asked: "Why are you so obsessed over the banner? You appear to have a new one."
My answer to this is simple: "We have a new banner that was purchased for GOWT by one of its members, but it in no way excuses the fact that the original one is the property of GOWT and needs to be returned. We can not afford to buy a new banner every time a member (or former member) chooses for whatever reason to keep it."

There are a few people who are members of JAG who have attempted in vain to help us retrieve it and we appreciate their help. Most members of JAG do not appear to care. Perhaps doing the honorable thing is not as important as kissing up to the dishonorable folks who are considered to be the leaders of their group. Maybe door prizes are more important than dignity.

There is little else we can do if the people holding the banner continue to refuse to give it back. We can only hope that at some point in the future enough of the JAG membership decides that self-respect and honor are actually worth something and will assist us in seeing that the banner is returned.

As for those who may hope that we simply give up and forget about the banner (and the membership card equipment, for that matter), it will not happen. I will continue to remind people through this blog and face-to-face. Honor is important.

Note: The original GOWT banner has not been seen at an event since January of 2007.

1 comment:

Titansfan said...

I would like to see the GOWT Banner returned and be on display at the next GOWT event.