Monday, August 24, 2009

Oregon Forest Fire Lookout Challenge

I ran across this link via the Groundspeak forums: Oregon Forest Fire Lookout Challenge by WR7X (GC15CVW). After looking at my Oregon finds, I saw that I had a few of the caches involved in the challenge.

Basically, Oregon is divided up into 8 regions. You have to find a minimum of four lookout tower caches in each region and a minimum of 50 lookout tower caches to be able to go after the final.

On this map, circles represent former lookout sites.

I have met the requirements for region 8 and am halfway there for region 7. Since I don't usually travel to the other regions, it could be a long while before I complete the challenge. As for the extra 18 caches (above the 32 required in 8 regions), I will probably be able to get most of those in regions 7 and 8. It also looks like if I stayed in Bend, OR for a couple of days, I could knock out most of the caches/regions I need.

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