Friday, March 13, 2009

National's Unknown Soldiers - March 9, 2009

National's Unknown Soldiers by Berlan Eligab (GC1H78D) is a hide that I first went after while on a 20+ mile run last November. I failed to get it then, because of security on the lot watching the building that hides the cache. Sunday is a bad day to go after this cache. I had been since waiting on Daylight Savings time to end so that I could go after this cache on one of my evening runs. Given the area where the cache is, I wanted there to be some daylight when I went after it.

This day was the first weeknight post-DST, so I headed out on a run with no GPSr; only a pen to sign the log. It took me 53 minutes of running to get to Highland and Summer, at which point I decided to walk the remaining 2 blocks. As I was walking, one of the local "friendlies" spit at my feet. Nice. Anyways, I made it to the cache location, and thanks to my previous visit, knew how to avoid the security camera that points near the cache. I got the cache open, pulled out my trusty pen and voila - dry as a bone - my pen, that is. It wouldn't leave a mark. I stepped back and looked around on the ground and found two old pencils laying in the grass. I used one to sign the log. If I had thought about it, I would have broken one in half and left it in the cache container. Having signed the log, I managed to make it out of the area alive and before dark settled in. My trip home took considerably longer than 53 minutes, since I took a longer way home.

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