Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Not much going on in the area as far as events go. 10-10-10 In and Around Shelby County by The Disorganization of MidSouth Geocachers (GC2E9DX) looks like it might be an interesting event. It doesn't have many RSVPs yet, but that may be because they offer one smiley for basically driving around all day and taking pictures.

Would I go to such an event? Perhaps. I like driving around and taking pictures. In this case, however, the question I would ask myself before going is: Do I wish to socialize with people who permanently banned a founding member of GOWT from the GOWT discussion forums for pointing out (correctly) that someone else in the group hosted a 10-year Groundspeak anniversary event and didn't meet the qualifications that Groundspeak had for such events?

I think not.

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