Saturday, September 4, 2010

Midtown Memphis - 9/3/2010

Nice weather on this Labor Day weekend could mean lots of fun caching trips. Unfortunately, I won't be doing much caching this weekend. My last cache hunt was back in early July and since then I seem to have misplaced my GPSr data cable. My Palm Pilot, which stores my cache data, also is dead as a doornail.

On the good side, there have been a number of caches (6) placed recently within walking distance of where I live. I decided to go after 4 of these after work on Friday. I printed out the coordinates and a map and headed home to pick up my GPSr and a small flashlight.

I left my place around 5:45pm, which meant I had about 2 hours of daylight left to cache. It was a 2 mile walk to the first find: Buc Lap Series - #3 by dguyusnavy (GC2A0TK). It was in a grassy median on the west side of Christian Brothers University and was meant to be an easy find. My next find was: Buc Lap Series - #1 by dguyusnavy (GC2A0T4). This one was not far from the Children's Museum of Memphis. The area was busy, though. There was a football game going on across the street from the cache.

[ West entrance of CBU ]

[ Football played in the shadow of the Liberty Bowl ]

Next, I went after HOME RUN! by dguyusnavy (GC2A0RA). This cache hadn't been found since June and had many DNFs, so I didn't have much hope of finding it. I did get to see four young women in bikinis playing volleyball, so it was worth the time to walk by it. This cache is also fairly near the new dog park at the north end of Tobey Park. It was amazing to see how many people were willing to drive there just to let their dogs play in a fenced in area.

It was starting to get dark, so I headed back towards home and the final cache of the day: Whopper of a cache by jamey1 (GC2C541). It doesn't take much imagination to guess where this cache was - or why I saved it for last.

After finding the last cache, I walked home. I had a decent time. It took about 3 hours to cover about 6 miles of walking and caching.

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