Sunday, September 30, 2007

Forum etiquette

I've been doing a lot of reading of various geocaching forums as well as Groundspeak's forum to see if anyone else supports my own flavor of forum etiquette.

I found this on the Groundspeak site under Getting Started:
Forum Etiquette, Just what are the expectations?

These guidelines were posted by Totem Lake, August 31, 2005 and serve to complement the Groundspeak Forum Guidelines.

My favorite parts of the "expected forum etiquette" are:

Do not use all capital letters, excessive question marks (?) or exclamation points (!) in your subject or content. Although perfection is not expected; proper punctuation, correct grammar and correct spelling is important enough for others to be able to read without difficulty. Using all capital letters is considered yelling and is hard to read. Ignoring this guideline will net you fast criticism.

Forum etiquette doesn’t do away with flaming. Flaming is a long standing tradition of forum debate. If you can’t handle the heat, be careful how you post or be prepared to defend your post. People aren’t trying to be mean or be a bully, but they will challenge your way of thinking.

These are the kinds of rules that evolve over time as opposed to the default behavior rules that lots of sites have. The GOWT forums are the ultimate challenge to these suggested rules of forum etiquette as quite a number of our more vocal members [from JAG] appear to be somewhat language-challenged. Many of them also do not have the basic logic skills necessary to form and defend an argument. Since I am no longer allowed to give them "lessons", I'll have to be content with simply setting the best example I can.

For laughs, here is an example of how NOT to end a response to a post:
I say to us all...if the last thing you post to or about a person were to truly be the last thing..."Could you live with it?"
Time is short and life is uncertain, we have no promise of tomorrow.
Live like you are dying.

This person may have a point, though. I nearly died laughing when I read it.

1 comment:

Mackheath said...

This person violates "etiquette" in a number of ways. ;-)