Friday, April 10, 2009

Jackson, TN - March 28, 2009

[This is a continuation of the Brownsville trip made on the same day]

After getting back on the interstate at Brownsville, I headed east towards Jackson. It was already around noon so I wasn't sure how long I would cache there. I'm not a big fan of driving around in traffic, so caching around the interstate area could prove to be harrowing.

Before I got to Jackson, I got off on Hwy 70 and picked up Workin' on the Road by dalls (GC19HR6). I had read the description of a similarly named cache, so I was confused about what and where I needed to look until I read the correct cache page. On to Jackson...

My first bunch of caches (and my main goal for the trip) was the area around exit 82 of I-40. It is a busy area with Union University, a mall, and other stores/businesses. My first find in Jackson proper was Welcome To "JAGLAND" by dalls (GC1DCAD). It was in an oddly appropriate location.

I made a counter-clockwise circle around the area picking up a number of caches including Rip's Treasure Chest by dalls (GC1DQ7C), The Bluffmobile by Canoe Guy (GC13XZ7), and Road Closed #6 by yogi and dolphin (GC102JM). At Rip's Treasure Chest, I hiked out to the cache and realized I had lost my first pen of the day. I had to go back to my car to get another one. The Bluffmobile was an interesting experience. I opened it so fast to grab the log, I almost didn't notice the surprised inside! Road Closed #6 was another one that I visited before and was prevented by muggles (security) from getting to it.

Over Here, Over There, Where? by dalls (GC13V16) would have been a neat find, if not for the identical item used as a cache container only a few feet away. That "identical item" was something that could easily have been broken by people looking for a cache.

After my circle of the area, I headed north to pick up a few more random caches. One of those I enjoyed was The New Mill by Canoe Guy (GC13MGR). Neat hide spot with an extra touch on the container. It was hard not to be spotted by the neighbors, though.

My last find of the day was Brooksie's cache by Canoe Guy and Arkhiker (GCWT44). I had been to this spot a couple of years before and got to where I could see the container, but couldn't get it because of a stream of muggles. On this day, I darted in and out between muggles. I enjoyed my day and would have like to stay longer, but I had a headache (probably from skipping lunch).

[ I will add a few pictures later. ]

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