Monday, February 8, 2010

Censorship Strikes Again

Nominations for GOWT's best caches of 2009 came to a close, and on this snowy day the GOWT webmaster posted the polls for voting. When I looked at the polls, I noticed that they had three caches listed in each category and that some of the caches I saw nominated on the forums did not make it into the voting polls.

After voting, I posted a couple of questions on the forums regarding the rules of the contest.

Within 5 minutes my post was deleted by the webmaster. Shortly afterwards, I received a PM from the webmaster attempting to answer the first of my two questions.
"Some of the caches nominated on this page did not make it into the polls. Is there a reason for that?"

There were more than three caches nominated in each category. The Leadership Committee members decided which ones to include in the polls and made decisions regarding geographic location.
I then asked her if the membership knew of this policy. She responded:
I suggest you address that question to someone on the Leadership Committee. I am not a member of the LC.

What she did not explain was why it was necessary to delete my post. There may be others who have more of a stake in the voting who have similar questions. Her answers also imply that the Leadership Commitee has the power to decide which caches "win".

Update: I followed up after the last PM I got from the webmaster and asked if the Leadership Committee asked her to delete my post. She responded:
An individual authorized to make the request did so.
Nice. My post was up for maybe 5 minutes and deleted by the webmaster while I was still logged on. I saw no others logged on. How do you get "authorized" to make a request to delete a post which does not violate the posting rules for the site? Is this why you don't see very many actual "discussions" on the GOWT forums?


Robert Wardell said...

I actually thought the same things about some suggestions not being included but I also thought, what if 100 people made 100 choices. Would they include all 100 in the poll? I imagine they went with the top three caches that were nominated. Can't say that for sure but makes sense to me. Geographic location? 3 Degrees is a stellar cache and regardless to "where" it might be, the majority of the finders to date are GOWT members. Why quibble that it is in Oxford. Rules being posted - I say we have rules to define rules to define the rules. That should really clog things up.

My guess is that your post was deleted as it was viewed as not being productive and only posted to stir the pot once again. I'm sure that you didn't post a picture of all the questions and comments that you made and only those that appear in a favorable light.

I personally agree with deleting any post that a Moderator views as not being productive or conducive to a peaceful forum content. Perhaps if you had been a bit less authoritarian in your approach to your questions, they would still be on the forum. Again, I don't know for sure as you only posted in your blog what you wanted us to see.

See you Saturday in Mason. Hopefully you won't bring your ant hill stick. LOL Couple more easy finds in Mason that my daughter put out for the event. 3 smiles almost for the price of one.

Mackheath said...

I appreciate your comments, Robert.

Next time I have something to say on the GOWT forums, I will run it by you first to ensure that it is "productive, conducive to a peaceful environment, and non-authoritarian.

Robert Wardell said...

LOL - warming up the ant stick, I see. I guess I could have copied it to the GOWT forums and made snide comments.

Just my opinion and much the same as what you had posted on the forum - your opinion. Guess you could delte my comment, ban me and not allow me to comment on your blog. Then who would read your blog?

Mackheath said...

Feel free to comment on anything you wish. I am not interested in banning anyone.