Tuesday, August 21, 2007

GOWT's Destiny and Mine Part Ways

No, I didn't quit GOWT. I expressed myself inappropriately on the forums and was banned for 3 days (I think). I wish to say to my friends on the Executive Committee that I am sorry for allowing myself to behave this way. I am not sorry for what I said since most if not all of it was technically accurate. My personal breaking point was the primary geocaching reviewer for the state of Tennessee blaming me and my "baggage" for the problems on the forum. I should have ignored him since his opinions don't mean anything to me.

I didn't need to respond to any of the blatherous comments people made on the forum. I realized quite a while back that we can't have legitimate discussions about geocaching online because for most people who participate in our forums the standard answer to all discussion topics is "Quit complaining and let people play the game the way they want to!" It's a good answer - absolutely no thinking required. If you have an opinion that says otherwise, keep it to yourself.

As for some of the ignorant people we have on our boards (both GOWT and JAG) - my pointing it out doesn't make them any less ignorant.

I have many wonderful friends in GOWT. I hope to see them all out on the trails someday because I am not going back to the forums when my ban is up. I will also be more selective on the events I attend. Hopefully my posts from this point forward will be about my geocaching adventures.

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