Monday, October 29, 2007

Old Liberty Hill Haunted Adventure, Part II

After lunch, we headed out to find more caches. We picked up several in Pontotoc including Micro with a view by lacey38655 (GC13CVP). You would never know that the picture was taken while standing in a Wal-Mart parking lot.

Now that I look at the route we traveled, it seems we kind of wandered around. One of the caches in the area of Puskus Lake that I found particularly enjoyable was Foul...or is it? by SniperChicken (GCXVN6).

One of the last caches we went to before slowly winding our way to the event was Cambridge Cemetery by buggydawg (GCM51N). I had been to this one before so I was going to relax while Abiectio hunted the cache. Next to the cemetary is a wooded area and we heard a loud rustling coming from nearby. We thought it might be a dog so we stayed close to the cemetary fence. I was standing closer to the road and saw the wild animal emerge.

I asked Abiectio if he had ever seen a live armadillo. He said he had not and went after it to snap some pictures. I heard another one off in the woods a bit further back. They make a lot of noise for being relatively small creatures.

After finding the cache, we headed south to do 2 more caches that were relatively close together. The first one - The Nascar Cache by SniperChicken (GC114TG)was just a short hike in the woods. The container and contents were themed and were worth the hunt. We moved the car a little bit to the west and headed into the woods after North Cypress West Trail by SniperChicken (GCXWPE). I don't remember the cache itself, but do remember the hunt. At one point on the trail, I tripped. I reached out my right hand to catch myself on a tree at the edge of the path. I was quite surprised when my hand went through the tree (it was rotten) and I hit another tree just past it, ramming my right shoulder into it just as I was about to hit the ground. It was extremely painful, so I just lay there for a minute until the pain subsided enough for me to realize I wasn't seriously hurt. Most importantly we found the cache! We went after one more cache, which we couldn't find an approach for so at that point it was definitely time to head to the event. Would we make it time? Would we even make it there at all?

Still more to come


Titansfan said...

How was the taste of the armadillo?

Mackheath said...

Tastes like turtle, except the meat is tougher!