Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Word of the day

in·noc·u·ous [i-nok-yoo-uhs]
1. not harmful or injurious; harmless: an innocuous comment that implies someone likes donuts
2. not likely to irritate or offend; inoffensive; an innocuous remark that our GOWT president is MIA
3. not interesting, stimulating, or significant; pallid; insipid: an innocuous forum thread

Many of our GOWT discussion forum topics start out like this:
1) Someone states an opinion. Maybe informed, oftentimes not.
2) Someone else responds -maybe with some humor, maybe not.
3) Someone makes an innocuous (on the surface) comment.
4) Someone takes the bait.
5) All hell breaks loose.
6) Thread is locked.

The relevant thread today almost got me banned from the site. The funny thing was who wanted to ban me. I really was not trying to do anything other than convince a new member who had stumbled across our "conflict threads" that although things seemed out of control that we as a group are good people and the organization would continue regardless. I believe that I failed. My bad.

Props to my friend spencersb who attempted to calm things down only to be drug into the battle once again.

Bonus word of the day:
lu·di·crous [loo-di-kruhs]
causing laughter because of absurdity; provoking or deserving derision; ridiculous; laughable: Dalls' ludicrous attempt to moderate a forum thread left me laughing until my sides ached.

I was not at my diplomatic best today, I admit. Oh well, there is always tomorrow...


SteveSpencer824 said...

Bonus Bonus word for the day:

joke - noun, verb, joked, jok·ing.
1. something said or done to provoke laughter or cause amusement, as a witticism, a short and amusing anecdote, or a prankish act: "He tells very funny jokes." "She played a joke on him."
2. something that is amusing or ridiculous, esp. because of being ludicrously inadequate or a sham; a thing, situation, or person laughed at rather than taken seriously; farce: "Their pretense of fairness is a joke." "An officer with no desire to command is a joke."
3. a matter that need not be taken very seriously; trifling matter: "The loss was no joke." "Can't you take a joke?"
4. something that does not present the expected challenge; something very easy: "Feeding the trolls was a joke."
5. practical joke.
–verb (used without object)
6. to speak or act in a playful or merry way: "He was always joking with us."
7. to say something in fun or teasing rather than in earnest; be facetious: "He didn't really mean it, he was only joking."

SteveSpencer824 said...

Oh, as far as getting dragged back into the battle:

"I emit a noxious effluvium in your general direction!

Now, go away, or I shall taunt you a second time-a!"