Friday, August 10, 2007

Return of the GOWT Banner

On Saturday, August 4th, pcsenn drove by and picked up the GOWT banner from the worthless stump from JAG who had been holding onto it for the last seven months. It was a rather unceremonious occasion as it was simply left outside for pcsenn to pick up. I won't be satisfied until "Stumpy" makes a public apology for holding on to it for so long but that would require honor which "Stumpy" doesn't have.

[My thanks to pcsenn for recovering the banner!]

As for the laminator that "Stubby" from JAG is holding onto, well we ended up buying a replacement thanks to cgeek who bought it for GOWT. "Stubby" was apparently waiting for "The Don" to tell him what to do as is the usual case.

I had an interesting chat session with "Stubby" the afternoon of July 24th - basically Chibongo and I were offering to drive to his house and pick up the laminator that very evening and he said he wouldn't give it to me: "When did you become a EC member?". It was an interesting chat session to say the least. Enjoy the laminator "Stubby". All of your friends think you are the coolest ever for stickin' it to da man.

Most of GOWT is happy to have these two matters resolved. Personally the "if someone takes your property, just buy new stuff and move on" tactic doesn't sit well with me, but such is life. If not for the generosity of the EC and the membership, we wouldn't be able to move on quite so easily.

Speaking of moving on... Looks like somebody who said: "A whole day without looking at the other site. I'm on a roll now. I can do it i know i can.... JAG RULES...." came back on our site today at 4:32pm. I guess you just don't know how to quit us!


Lisa said...
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Mackheath said...

This is true - it is much better to rave about honorable people than dishonorable ones. I will continue to blog about both types! The dishonorable ones can sometimes be quite entertaining.

WT said...

Well, I don't know that I would call buying a $25 laminator honorable (ok, it was a little more after purchasing the plastic laminating pouches, business cards for the printer, more ink for my printer, and stamps to mail the cards). I am glad to do it though to put an end to that chapter for GOWT. I can assure everyone that the next EC will be getting all that stuff from me at the next annual meeting and I will be glad to pass it on to the next set of folks ready to serve GOWT.

Robert Wardell said...

"I deleted GOWT from my desktop and threw away all my GOWT crap. I already feel like a new cacher. Geez - talk about some kind of hang-up! I even offered to buy some of his stuff at one point, but never received a reply.

"dalls" seems like a really happy-go-lucky type guy to me and to be honest, has been nice to me in my infrequent meetings with him. There has never been any animosity displayed. I guess I just don't understand the conflict between him and GOWT. I have never met a single person in GOWT that I don't feel I could rely on to help me out or who I might call a friend. I have also met quite a few of the JAG crew and attended some events and though I never really felt I was a solid part of the group, I was also never ostracized or ignored by anyone. There are a couple who I am not comfortable with but I think that would be the case for almost any social group.

I am just glad that we got the banner back. It is now in my possession and will be displayed at the Munford Celebrate event next month. Laminators and cards? I don't have a card but do I really need one? I just think it is a shame that anyone can withold something that doesn't belong to them simply because there is a grudge lurking somewhere in the past. I believe that possession of an item that is not yours is akin to theft, especially when many, many efforts and offers to get the material have been offered and either ignored or scoffed at. What does being a member of the EC have to do with retrieving GOWT property in the name of GOWT? Nothing in my opinion.

As for me, I'm just going to keep on caching. If I happen to meet up with someone from another organization, personally, it makes no difference to me. I'm out there to have fun. There is too much prejudice in this world already to have it extend into the world of "finding tupperware containers in the woods using multi-million dollar government satellites."

Lisa said...

Robert, common sense doesn't work all of the time with some people. Some people you just have to ignore. Some of my students laugh at things that I consider to be stupid because they have a DIFFERENT sense of humor at that age.

The parties that caused the conflict with GOWT are now over at another sight and that is a good thing! Let the drama stay there or in the blogs.