Saturday, December 29, 2007

GOWT Reopens for Business - Part II

Since I'm feeling too lazy to do any caching today, I spent some time poring over the GOWT forums. As expected, most of the new posts are in the off-topic area. I was surprised to find almost no mention of the reorganization. I guess most people really don't care. 76Stinger has computer problems, nothing new there. I've been silent on the forums lately because I have nothing to say.

I spent some time reading about the GOWT leadership structure. It operates mostly in the way I had intended when I proposed it to the reorganization committee. Other than the makeup of its committees, I don't really have a problem with how it operates. As I expected, the group decided that representing all areas of GOWT was more important than just picking competent people. I can't waste any more of my time worrying about that, though. For the record, one reason the committees are so large is so that do-nothings like chibongo can continue to do absolutely nothing and it should not affect the operations of the committees.

I found it odd that GOWT chose to post its paid membership list online in the form of a rankings list. Especially at this time. Not only does it allow the likes of JAG to see what percentage of GOWT is comprised of JAG members, but it also will allow GOWT members to see how many of its current membership does not renew its membership when it expires shortly. It is unknown how many members will simply not bother to renew their membership, especially since they can enjoy the vast majority of the benefits of GOWT for free.

I will be renewing my membership whenever I get around to it. Mostly because I like using the GOWT logo on my blog.

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