Saturday, January 26, 2008

Rambo Rules!

Today was Rambo Day! I walked downtown to catch this fine movie at the Peabody Place theater (that will be closing in a few months). I coud have sworn that at one point in the movie Rambo said: "Once it's in your blood, caching is as easy as breathing." I may have to watch the movie again to see if that was right. If not, then I'll take credit for that quote.

After the movie I walked north through a sea of bums to Confederate Park to gather information for a new offset cache Confederate Park by Abiectio (GC18M72). I knew before gathering the information where the cache would end up being located from reading logs and I'm not likely to be headed there anytime soon.

When I got back to work, I logged into the GOWT forums to find out if pcsenn's post-CITO event had been approved. Apparently it was not. I don't know enough of the details of the planned event to know why it was not approved, but at least one other person familiar with the plans suspects reviewer bias. It looks like pcsenn decided not to pursue it further and made alternate plans. Since I'm sure pcsenn is quite capable of interpreting the rules for event caches (such as they are), I am also certain he is aware of alternate options he could have taken to get the event approved. He could have had another person post the post-CITO event page. He could have (and should have) appealed to Groundspeak. Asking for an alternate Tennessee reviewer would have probably been a waste of time, but it was another option. Suspected reviewer bias should be reported to Groundspeak because it would contribute to the overall goal of having quality reviewers in Tennessee and help others to avoid problems having potentially valid caches or events not be approved.

Of course letting yourself be walked on like an old rug is an option, too if that is something you can feel comfortable with.


I noticed today that GETGC has new forums which appear to be open to the public for viewing. That only leaves one group to my knowledge that has closed-off forums. I don't know if this change has any relation to what is happening over at GEOSET where for those who don't know, the person running the GEOSET site is taking some time off from geocaching.

Update: 2/2/2007: GETGC has now restricted all of its forum categories for members-only. This was the case with its former site.


flame-red said...

Actually, it was appealed to Groundspeak, but not by me. The Groundspeak reviewer agreed with the Tennessee reviewer. It is being approached in a different manner.

Mackheath said...

Good luck with that, my friend.