Sunday, March 30, 2008

Rain and the "Rain Man"

I was busy all week and didn't expect to do any caching this weekend. I got a call from jbgreer on Thursday reminding me that we were going to a gun show in Southaven, MS on Saturday so I ended up mapping a few caches for us to hunt while we were down there.

Jbgreer picked me up at 8 am at my place and we headed south. Our plan was to hunt a few caches and then meet up with a friend of his at the gun show. Our first stop was the location of the gun show at Hwy 51 and Goodman. We marked the coordinates of the location and since we had an hour or so before the show we headed off in search of caches.

Our first destination was Sitting with Dad by chimps8mybaby (GC17P68). This was a simple LPC, but it is always good to start the morning with a quick find. We noted that across the street was a much more interesting location for caches and moved on. Our second stop was GO Park by littletfarms (GC193V2). This was in a nice park, empty at this time of the morning. The container was hidden in a typical spot but was much larger than we expected. While I was signing the log, jbgreer noticed that someone was watching us from a nearby house. Our third stop was at Greenbrook by cgeek (GCW71M). I had found this one before so I let jbgreer get out and make the find. The immediate area was abuzz with teams of young girls getting ready to play baseball (or perhaps softball). Next we headed to the nearby cache Just Another Ballpark! by QLaymon (GCW4XB). We had both been all over this spot twice before with no luck. This time jbgreer walked right up to the container. A lot of the area was trampled so it was easier to move around.

We had time for one more cache before heading back to the gun show. We arrived at Vincenty's Revenge by Sprout (GCTRD8) and was surprised to find all of the "No Trespassing" signs everywhere. In fact, the cache was technically on private property although you can grab it from outside. Since this was originally a Chance Encounter cache, we were surprised at the container size. Anyways, we signed the log and headed back to where the gun show was being held.


We met up with jbgreer's friend and toured the tables of rifles and handguns and miscellaneous other things. I had a very narrow interest, but looked at pretty much everything they had there. Interesting crowd at the show and lots of interesting displays. They had a pair of binoculars with a built-in digital camera that I liked, but I ended up not buying anything.


As it was getting to be past my lunchtime, we decided to hunt one cache and then grab some lunch. We picked Highway 51 Multi by dsherard (GCXDZD). We had no luck on the first of two stages the last time we were here, but reading the cache page helped. We were quite surprised to see where the final stage was (no spoilers, though). We had a little trouble deciding where to eat so we stopped at a Pizza Hut that we ate at the last time we were here.


After lunch we decided to hunt the rest of the caches on my very short list. Our first stop was What's Shaking? by cusec (GC10EWT). About the time we found it, it started to rain. We were hesistant to do anymore because the rain was getting heavy and the next two caches were in good-sized parks. We took the "chance" though and hunted two caches in two nearby parks. First was Otis Redding Park by Chance Encounter (GCZXRT). This was a nice looking park given the surrounding area. We waited out a brief heavy downpour and made a quick run into the woods just off of a paved walking trail. After signing the log and putting the cache back, we heard what sounded like a siren or a car alarm. We got back to the cachemobile as quickly as we could and moved on.

Our final stop was Dalstrom Park by Chance Encounter (GCZXRF). This was also a really nice park with what appeared to be a horse farm behind it. Since it was raining, I had left my camera in the truck - otherwise I would have taken pictures of this beautiful area. Since we had no more caches in the immediate area and it was still raining we decided to call it a day. 8 finds for me and 9 for jbgreer. Not like the old days, but neither of us are really in it for the numbers anymore.


Speaking of rain, this past Thursday and Friday I was at a conference and met Kim and Fran Peek. Kim Peek was the inspiration for the title character in the movie "Rain Man". It certainly was an interesting experience. He has prodigious-savant memory abilities in 15 subject areas, and I meant to ask him if he knew anything about geocaching.

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