Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Have Event, Need Cachers for Group Photo

I have been reviewing the Geocaching.com event calendar and have noticed several Tennessee events on the horizon. One event being held this coming weekend is GOWT High Noon Brown Bag Lunch Break by GOWT (GC1ABQV). The location is a large, beautiful park (Natchez Trace State Park) just east of Jackson, TN. I have cached in this park before and it has a nice trail system as well as great caches. Several new caches have been added since I last visited this park (roughly 2 years ago). At this point, roughly 4 days before the event, a grand total of 3 GOWT members have signed up. A handful of JAG "individuals" have signed up as well, quite possibly motivated by the need to defend their "territory". Maybe someone from GOWT can bring a large box of Krispy Kremes as a peace offering.

In regards to other upcoming events, I read the following in the April GOWT newsletter:
"Other events are in the planning stages, especially those commemorating 1K milestones. As soon as they are established, there will be further information available. Your Leadership Committee seeks your assistance in making these events, as well as others that are scheduled in areas around West Tennessee, successful. That can only happen with your participation."
Unfortunately the GOWT "Leadership Committee" doesn't appear to seek member input regarding GOWT's non-milestone events. I doubt the "Advisory Committee" consults with the general membership either. By "assistance" they simply mean just show up at events scheduled at the convenience of the LC. I certainly hope that they get the amount of "assistance" they deserve.

Update: 4/5/2008

Chibongo posted the following note to the event page:
"Very cool seeing all the names signed up for this one. GOWT and JAG meeting to socialize...I love it! Unfortunately, I can't make this one. Hope everyone has a blast!!!"
It made me laugh to see one of the primary contributors to the split of GOWT posting a note like this. They are far better off without her and her insincerity showing up at that event.

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