Monday, April 21, 2008

Puzzle Caches

Well, another beautiful weekend has ended and I spent most of it indoors. I did hunt one cache on Saturday: Easy Pawn by OneTemplar (GC14M00).

It was on my way to work (sort of). The most interesting part of the hunt was the walk to the area. Walking up Cleveland Avenue between Madison and Poplar Avenues is almost like being in a third-world country. I thought one "lady" was going to slash me with a knife or something. She came at me screaming some nonsense, but then just kept walking.

On Sunday, I spent some time working on some unsolved (by me) puzzle caches. There are around 30 puzzle caches within 50 miles of me that I haven't yet solved. Some are just tedious (itcomagic's Word Games caches) and others are a mystery as to even how to begin.

One cache that falls in the latter category is: FTF All Star #3: Between The Two by cgeek (GCZPTA). It is rated a 5/3 and I know the 5 part is right. When I first saw the puzzle for this one, I just accepted defeat and moved on. However, after cgeek posted a basic algorithm for attacking this puzzle on the GOWT website, I decided to give it a shot. It probably took me 30 minutes or so to work it out and I had a bit of a headache afterwards.

Another cache puzzle I worked out Friday afternoon was: Follow The Arrow by Chance Encounter (GCTJ73). I enjoy these types of cryptographic puzzles, but for some reason when it first came out, I was completely lost. On Friday, I worked it out fairly quickly.

I have quite a few more puzzles to tackle including the Flip Dizzy series and a few more of the FTF series. Hopefully I won't require reading on-line hints for too many of these puzzles...

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