Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Night Caches in Cameron Brown Park - 12/1/2009

I don't like to cache in groups, but when I saw a post on the GOWT forums regarding a group hunt for night caches, I decided to go. I even bought a new flashlight for the occasion. I laughed when I saw a post that suggested that my old friend dalls from JAG would be coming.

I am seasoned enough to know that it would be impractical to hunt all 4 caches on the proposed list in one night, so I was glad that we were starting with the two short ones in Cameron Brown Park.

Because I don't like to drive in rush hour traffic, I left work early on the day of the hunt and headed out to Germantown. I hunted three caches in or near Shelby Farms Park before having dinner at Chick-Fil-A. I still managed to get to the arranged meeting spot in Cameron Brown Park an hour early. I used the extra time to walk laps around the lake while taking a few pictures.

As it got close to 5:30, I was beginning to think that no one would show up. Jackthebear arrived just before 5:30, but stayed in his truck. Jeffbouldin arrived right on time. We made the introductions and waited for more people to show up. When no one else did (including my old friend dalls), we began the hunt - sometime around 5:45pm. The weather had been nice lately and there were only a few spots of water on the ground. I avoided the water I saw, and only hit a few of the wet spots - enough to cool my feet.

Our first cache to hunt was Bats-R-Up by ProntoPup (GC1MGVK). This was a relatively straight forward cache - until the end. The light of the nearby tennis courts didn't do us any favors.

Cameron Brown Park's Easy Night Cache by bitbrain & pippin98 (GC1M3MF) proved to be a little more difficult. At one point, we had a great deal of trouble spotting the next set of tacks. Once we did, however, all was good. After finding the cache, we walked with jeffbouldin to find Decay by Canadian Bear adopted by Tiger130 (GCKE0X). That cache had one of the National Treasure keys in it.

Since it took us two hours just to find these caches, we decided to call it a night.

As we walked back to our cars, we tentatively made plans to do more night caches in January. I look forward to it. Maybe dalls will show up.

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