Sunday, May 27, 2007

Free Speech vs Embarrassing One's Self

Before I get back to posting more stories about my geocaching adventures, I want to write about something that has been on my mind for a while now.

Many times before I post a blog entry or make a post on a public forum, the thought crosses my mind that what I say online is out there for anyone in the world to see. Since I don't have kids, I sometimes use my parents as guidelines - Would my next post, embarrass my parents or any other members of my family? If my mom read some of the things I have posted she might sigh or shake her head, but would she be embarrassed? I don't think so. I am about to introduce my family to my online writings so I guess I'll soon find out.

I have recently engaged in what might be termed "giving an internet spanking" to some folks in west Tennessee whom I once geocached with. They have managed to put a stain on geocaching in west Tennessee with some of their behavior. I read some of what they post online and cringe - thinking if my kids or my parents read this stuff and thought it came from me they would truly be ashamed of me. Bad spelling and bad grammar are embarrassing enough, but much of their content shows an incredible level of immaturity. I have been threatened in posts which anyone with any sense at all knows you just don't do.

Any fool can put a blog online - and I know a team of fools who are about to do just that. If you are a member of that team and you are reading this (or having your kids read it to you), I implore you, please find somebody intelligent to proofread your text before you post it online. You will save your friends and family a great deal of embarrassment if you do.

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