Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Word of the day

de·co·rum [di-kawr-uhm, -kohr-]
1. dignified propriety of behavior, speech, dress, etc.
2. the quality or state of being decorous; orderliness; regularity.
3. Usually, decorums. an observance or requirement of polite society.


A friend of mine recently pointed out the following forum signature he spotted on the GOWT forums:

"Some People Need To Grow Up and Learn that the Forums are just to place to post not real life! Once they do that they will learn that computers are everything and that caching is fun with out all the BULL$#@&!"

The pathetic sadsack who currently uses this signature is a college student so there is really no excuse for the grammar problems. The signature itself relates to an earlier problem we encountered on the GOWT forums: How do people discuss issues and points of view civilly without hampering their rights to free speech?

The GOWT forum rules are intended to promote decorum while allowing it's members to talk about pretty much anything on a member's mind. Our failure early on to hold members accountable for violating the forum rules led to people thinking that they could be offensive and hurtful without consequences. When they were finally held accountable, they cried and moaned about their "rights". The above signature does not serve any particular purpose other to enflame tensions and populate my top ten list of the most jackassed forum signatures. I think I only need a couple more to finish the list... The above sadsack has provided me with at least three.

Fortunately for GOWT this steaming pile of angst has found kindred spirits on another geocaching forum who are at least for now amused by his childish antics.

[update - 5/24/2007]
Apparently several people actually read my blog. Who knew?

Here is some feedback to the above article. It did not come from the sadsack I refer to in the article. His response was even more pathetic than what I have posted below.

I will let the audience guess who posted this:
"I enjoy three of these blogs but there is one that some idiot that just can't let go need some serious help. We gave them the other site, that didn't work, they go and start another group which they copied everything from us, thats not working so i don't understand his stupid comments maybe he can explain them to my face........"

It's unlikely that I will be explaining anything to anyone's face anytime soon. I would probably need an interpreter.

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